• re recovery

    Am using a KMI practitioner for treatment. He specialises in releasing bonded muscle fascia and ligaments. One of my big problems is restricted movement and he is really helping with that. Additionally am finding the return to yoga and pilates has been great for reminding me what my body should be capable of, and by taking part in classes I find myself doing things that I forget I should not be able to do. It does hurt like hell, but seems to be about the best I can do.

    I can really quantify my change in mobility. When I first started weight bearing, the ankle was stuck at a 15degree drop. I can now achieve a full point with the foot, and get my knee over my toes. This would not be enough for proper gym squats, so that will be the motion I will look for so if I need to I can then do some weights.

    When static my leg has to be raised as venal return is pretty poor, it swells up fairly quickly. I was very reassured that actually the time on the bike today was not causing the leg to swell unduly, I think the turning action helped keep pumping blood back out. So riding a bike is much better than sitting doing nothing.

    When the pain levels start to subside I may look to specific strength and plyometric exercises to help with bursts of power. The inability to deliver acceleration when I first got back on the bike was frightening, as I did not feel i was able to speed up to get out of danger. This is starting to return but feels limited.

    So at the moment its a case of take it as gently as possible, and back off when serious pain starts to come up. I think I may well look to finding a coach at some point and doing some specific training if I can identify some particular weaknesses or deficits. Right now I am just hugely grateful to be back on a bike.

    The sense of liberty and utter joy of today was amazing. Yes I was swearing inwardly a lot, and outwardly sometimes as the bursts of pain kicked in, but to get out and do some proper exercise was a huge reward to me.
