• #2
This seems to happen quite a lot on the CSes, doesn't it?
Pretty stupid idea for TFL to give non-segregated cycle lanes such promotion IMO. Gives a false sense of security and makes accidents like this way more likely due to difference in speed between cyclists and motorists
• #3
^ This. I hate cycle lanes. Educate people to manage traffic, educate drivers to be more patient and careful.
• #4
cyclists need to know: If you are not turning into the next junction stay the hell away from it!
• #5
I'm not sure I follow you...
Are you saying the rider was at fault for using the cycle lane? The motorist turned right across one lane of traffic and a cycle lane without indicating.
• #6
Also I think the CSs are a big joke. I'm tempted to cycle up and down CS7 with a screwdriver in my left hand striping up parked cars.
• #7
+1 those cycle lanes don't actually help when you really need it, i.e. around junctions, bus stops and street parking areas, if anything they exasperate the problem. Also by them not being proper cycle lanes cars, buses and GOD DAMN TAXIS swan in and out of them with wild gay abandon.
At about 12:20 today, bloke cycling north was cut up by a car turning right without indicating. He skids on the blue surface of the CS7 (as it was raning a bit) and skids along the floor into the front of the car head first. Luckily he was wearing a helmet or I hate to think what would have happened.
Some of us stopped to help. Luckily the rider was shaken but not hurt. The car driver apologised but the cyclist was understandably pissed off. Another motorist got the number of the bad driver who sped off once he saw that things would be taken further.
Hope you're OK mate!