Looking for a rear wheel to put on my new build. Had it together for about 48 hours before I snapped the axel on the tired old steel wheel.
I'm trying to keep the total cost of the bike down so relatively cheap. Ideally to match as closely as possible with the front which is a mavic ma 40 34 spoke rim on a shimano 600 hub. But in reality as long as it's primarily silver I'm interested.
Looking for a rear wheel to put on my new build. Had it together for about 48 hours before I snapped the axel on the tired old steel wheel.
I'm trying to keep the total cost of the bike down so relatively cheap. Ideally to match as closely as possible with the front which is a mavic ma 40 34 spoke rim on a shimano 600 hub. But in reality as long as it's primarily silver I'm interested.
Here's an image of the build for reference: http://flic.kr/p/9PyCh2