mark my words, good sir!
basket will be broken/changed/removed in under 6 months.
fact. ffs.
rest of the bike is great.
We saw ages ago and decided that although it would look just right it was just too expensive. Then I bought it last week anyway as a surprise Birthday present, as I wanted her to have it (ahhhhh).
It's a beautifully made thing but I can believe it's not the most robust item ever. If it breaks I'll kick up a right fuss.
My first impression from riding with it is how much it fucking rattles! The clikfix (sp?) bracket is ace but I won't be leaving it as it is... I'll be zip-tying the bollocks off it.
We saw ages ago and decided that although it would look just right it was just too expensive. Then I bought it last week anyway as a surprise Birthday present, as I wanted her to have it (ahhhhh).
It's a beautifully made thing but I can believe it's not the most robust item ever. If it breaks I'll kick up a right fuss.
My first impression from riding with it is how much it fucking rattles! The clikfix (sp?) bracket is ace but I won't be leaving it as it is... I'll be zip-tying the bollocks off it.