Most mass market frames are chinese or taiwanese made anyway, that includes a lot of the "own brand" frame makers. If you want something English made then you need to be looking going down the Bob Jackson, Mercian, Rourke route, but costs are much higher.
Feedback on the BLB frames are OK however as a shop they have a reputation for the occasional lapse in service standards. Shop14 is an alternative to consider for own brand frames. Brixton Cycles is highly regarded as a cycle shop as well.
Most mass market frames are chinese or taiwanese made anyway, that includes a lot of the "own brand" frame makers. If you want something English made then you need to be looking going down the Bob Jackson, Mercian, Rourke route, but costs are much higher.
Feedback on the BLB frames are OK however as a shop they have a reputation for the occasional lapse in service standards. Shop14 is an alternative to consider for own brand frames. Brixton Cycles is highly regarded as a cycle shop as well.