"“Upper-echelon Disney-ites, going, What’s wrong with him? Is he, you know, like some kind of weird simpleton? Is he drunk? By the way, is he gay?… And so I actually told this woman who was the Disney-ite… ‘But didn’t you know that all my characters are gay?’ Which really made her nervous.”"
Love this quote from Depp about his characters
"“Upper-echelon Disney-ites, going, What’s wrong with him? Is he, you know, like some kind of weird simpleton? Is he drunk? By the way, is he gay?… And so I actually told this woman who was the Disney-ite… ‘But didn’t you know that all my characters are gay?’ Which really made her nervous.”"
from: http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2010/11/johnny-depp-talks-to-patti-smith-about-working-with-angelina-jolie-jack-sparrow-and-his-own-musical-aspirations.html