Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland - Northern Europe is basically carrying Southern Europe. Add in an IMF with no head and an ECB with most of its money tied up in those countries in trouble, throw in the risk of a Greek default and it does start to look a little precarious.
Yeah, not a good time for the Eurozone, for once I'm very glad we aren't in it. Germans are starting to get very pissed off that their economic success is financing the half of Europe. I wonder how much longer the Euro will survive in it's current state. I imagine in the end they will have to go one of two ways, either much closer integration of financial and legal policy, or a reduced Eurozone in Northern Europe.
Yeah, not a good time for the Eurozone, for once I'm very glad we aren't in it. Germans are starting to get very pissed off that their economic success is financing the half of Europe. I wonder how much longer the Euro will survive in it's current state. I imagine in the end they will have to go one of two ways, either much closer integration of financial and legal policy, or a reduced Eurozone in Northern Europe.