So anyway, I'm just completing a little 8-week cycle to regain some core stability; aimed at life in general, but I do notice subtle improvements on the bike. I don't have any racing demands at the moment, but do enjoy the waxing and waning of cycling strength over the course of a year; and now's the time to wax.
At ~66kg, power-to-weight is a big deal, and 'whole body cycling' is one way I can eke out a little bit extra. This doesn't mean riding like some kind of awful hyper-nodder, BTW.
I've not been doing grrrrrr weight lifting or anything. Only front squats and bent over rows on Monday, and deadlifts and shoulder presses on Wednesday. 3 sets of 5 for the first 4 weeks, and 3 sets of 3 for the final 4 weeks. 2.5kg increments on all exercises each week, starting easy, and building up to roughly 85% bodyweight for deads, 70% bw for front squats, and 55% bw for rows/presses.
The first thing I noticed was how much more stable I felt when giving my 4.5-year-old son a piggyback for any length of time :D
I think I'll repeat the entire 8 week cycle during Aug/Sep. I'm also managing to maintain a stretching regime, and hope that I'll persist with these 2 activities for the foreseeable. Quality of life, blah blah blah.
Where does cheesecake scoffing fit in to this regime?
Where does cheesecake scoffing fit in to this regime?