I spotted a lot of wrong doing this morning. If the little wotsit who undertook me through a red within about 2mm of my bike while I was waiting at the Greys Inn Road / Rosebery Avenue junction this morning does that to me again I will be bothering to sprint to catch up with him next time and it will not be pretty.
Also 'nil point' to the taxi who saw me coming and asserting my position on the road, then decided to try turning across me anyway, resulting in my need to swerve around his bonnet (I told him where to stick the aforementioned bonnett) or the line of white van men near Trafalgar Square who decided my side of the road was theirs because something was in the way. I hate this more than anything - motor traffic arrogantly forcing its way through on your side of the road because it is bigger than you.
This was a shame as it was a beautiful morning, the sun was in the sky, the birds were in the trees and I popped down to Trafalgar Square to pick up some free tomato plants. In fact today really feels like it is full of win. I didn't mean to rant ;)
I noticed a significant shift in the 'people trying to kill me: not trying to kill me' ratio today.
And not the way i would have preferred either....
Happy friday!
I noticed a significant shift in the 'people trying to kill me: not trying to kill me' ratio today.
And not the way i would have preferred either....
Happy friday!