Word of warning -it's not like mackerel fishing, it takes some people years to catch a salmon. There are certain places and times when it's more likely but your looking at serious £££
This. I've never caught a salmon despite having been groomed from an early age by my dad who's an obsessive fly-fisherman. He's only ever caught a handful in his 60 years.
That said many people, for a more 'guaranteed' trip (as if any fish catch is ever guaranteed) head to Scandinavia. Norway is a biggy. Can be very pricey but if you research it well it could be good value and a heck of a trip. The numbers of salmon in UK and Eire rivers are really suffering - for a variety of reasons - drift netting/habitat loss/aquacultured (farmed) fish escapes (whether interbreeding/sealice etc).This is also the case in Norway but the numbers are still greater there than here. And also the sizes of individual fish over there are usually considered bigger.
Key salmon rivers in Norway are the Namsen, the Suldalsagen, the Beiar and the Stjordal.
This. I've never caught a salmon despite having been groomed from an early age by my dad who's an obsessive fly-fisherman. He's only ever caught a handful in his 60 years.
That said many people, for a more 'guaranteed' trip (as if any fish catch is ever guaranteed) head to Scandinavia. Norway is a biggy. Can be very pricey but if you research it well it could be good value and a heck of a trip. The numbers of salmon in UK and Eire rivers are really suffering - for a variety of reasons - drift netting/habitat loss/aquacultured (farmed) fish escapes (whether interbreeding/sealice etc).This is also the case in Norway but the numbers are still greater there than here. And also the sizes of individual fish over there are usually considered bigger.
Key salmon rivers in Norway are the Namsen, the Suldalsagen, the Beiar and the Stjordal.