• #2
I'll post a link in the Ladies Polo thread, I'm sure there'll be some people up for this.
• #3
sweet, I put London Ladies' Hardcourt Bike Polo Club (mouthful) in the original blog's Links Page!
• #4
hey, I just fb messaged you. sorry for cross web communication sites!
that's not a sentence. i haven't slept. apologies.
• #5
Do tell...
• #6
^^ no worries lady. Appreciate it!
Top secret Wicks ;)
Hey ladies,
As some of you know, I am an infrequent blogger and book maker. At the minute I'm building a web page/blog for my bike collective but want to continue my girls and their bikes blog too so I'm thinking of combining the two. What I'd love is to get more contributors on board so that it has more frequent posts! I'd love to have the Ladies London Bike Polo contingent on board and also lady mechanics/couriers/track riders/BMXers, etc. It wouldn't need to be loads of posts a week just some input every so often.
I'm also working on a zine/book but one thing at a time...
Let me know if you're interested.
Jess x