"Bainbridge - Did the Little Lumpy 65 miler today too. Was a good route but some of the signposting was quite dodgy, I heard of lots of people getting lost - I took a wrong turn myself but realised pretty quickly. Squeezed in under the Gold time at 3hrs57 (Garmin says 3hrs46) with an average of 17.3, pretty pleased with that. "
I dream of doing 44mph without sh*tting my strides...
"Bainbridge - Did the Little Lumpy 65 miler today too. Was a good route but some of the signposting was quite dodgy, I heard of lots of people getting lost - I took a wrong turn myself but realised pretty quickly. Squeezed in under the Gold time at 3hrs57 (Garmin says 3hrs46) with an average of 17.3, pretty pleased with that. "
I dream of doing 44mph without sh*tting my strides...