• Hi Zeb, I was talking to another organiser of Bikefest by email a month (or so) back?

    It would be awesome to have hardcourt bike polo at Bikefest, but the initial idea of a closed off section of road (12m x 15m or so, with scaffold board ends) was felt to be less than ideal. Some players may come forward, but unless a suitable court can be found/sourced it's unlikely that many people will want to attend (some individuals felt it could also show hardcourt bike polo in a negative light).

    We're keen to do future events in Camden and with more time could probably organise an entire tournament as part of your future events and could source an "ideal" court, etc.

    Bikefest sounds like fun and I'll head over to check it out, sorry not to be more positive about the bike polo side of things though.
