• We play from 10am until 9pm on both days across 3 courts. 10 minute games.

    Allowing 3 minutes "grey area" for time stoppage and team turnovers per game, you get the following: 22 hours of polo = 1320 minutes = 100(ish) game windows x 3 courts = 300 games. We're possibly going to have 60 teams which would be an average of 10 games each.

    In reality, some teams will get more games than others, but after last year's feedback I intend to pull more teams into the double elimination on day two, or have more pre-cut games (large group rounds per court like in Geneva and then a smaller double elimination cut is a slim possibility), or have a "best of the worst" cut on the third court on the second day... all up in the air at this stage, but the idea will be to have plenty of games for everyone.

    Once the number of teams looks a little more concrete, then the scheduling will get nailed down. Swiss Rounds are good (accurate), but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of mimicking last year's Euros.
