You can get SAE30 quite easily from motor factors - very old cars (like from the 1930s) use it as do some gearboxes. I put in a good squeeze every couple of months and clean off the excess.
I used a friction shifter for years on my AW 3-Speed hub, but it did take a bit of practice not to pull the cable clamp apart by over-shifting it. I replaced the bar tape recently so I swapped to an old trigger shifter on the end of the drops - it works better.
You can get SAE30 quite easily from motor factors - very old cars (like from the 1930s) use it as do some gearboxes. I put in a good squeeze every couple of months and clean off the excess.
I used a friction shifter for years on my AW 3-Speed hub, but it did take a bit of practice not to pull the cable clamp apart by over-shifting it. I replaced the bar tape recently so I swapped to an old trigger shifter on the end of the drops - it works better.