back on topic, I must refrain from ever leaving key in lock again.
It's not like i've never left my key in front door either... potential every valuble possession fail.
what prevents me from pulling away with key IN-HAND i do not know. with the front door it was a case of 'argh shit i've forgotten my wallet, so i'll just open the door quickly leaving the key-in, then take em on the way out'. bizarre i know.
back on topic, I must refrain from ever leaving key in lock again.
It's not like i've never left my key in front door either... potential every valuble possession fail.
what prevents me from pulling away with key IN-HAND i do not know. with the front door it was a case of 'argh shit i've forgotten my wallet, so i'll just open the door quickly leaving the key-in, then take em on the way out'. bizarre i know.
lucky im not Edscoble's neighbour.