Entirely dependent on the persnickitiness of the promoting club, but as you already know it's not legal you can't really plead the noobs excuse of ignorance of the regulations. The brake lever placement regulation is there for safety reasons, so it's not a regulation any responsible club official should let slide. It's not something you should even try to get away with, as a matter of respect for your fellow competitors; I don't care if you crash and die, except that if you do it with a number on your back it reflects badly on my sport.
Entirely dependent on the persnickitiness of the promoting club, but as you already know it's not legal you can't really plead the noobs excuse of ignorance of the regulations. The brake lever placement regulation is there for safety reasons, so it's not a regulation any responsible club official should let slide. It's not something you should even try to get away with, as a matter of respect for your fellow competitors; I don't care if you crash and die, except that if you do it with a number on your back it reflects badly on my sport.