If anyone is looking to go clipless fairly cheaply, I'd recommend 661 shoes. I brought a pair from chain reaction about 3 years ago for 20 quid. I'm only just replacing them now! Even at full price I think they are around 40 quid, so pretty reasonable. I really like them, and they've been super comfy. Not sure if I've got ladies feet(they're pretty big!) , but I think the shoes come up fairly narrow, if that's what you need! Heh.
If anyone is looking to go clipless fairly cheaply, I'd recommend 661 shoes. I brought a pair from chain reaction about 3 years ago for 20 quid. I'm only just replacing them now! Even at full price I think they are around 40 quid, so pretty reasonable. I really like them, and they've been super comfy. Not sure if I've got ladies feet(they're pretty big!) , but I think the shoes come up fairly narrow, if that's what you need! Heh.