I've had a long term interest in the V-CC and it was my enthusiam for old bikes that brought me back into club cycling. Now that my competitive career (such as it was ) seems to be on the wane, my old bike enthusiasm is coming back into focus.
I'm more interested in riding old machines, rather than collecting and restoring. My thread in the Rides and Races section 'The Century Competiton of 1911' (currently near the bottom of page 2.) may give you an idea of my approach to veteran cycling.
I hope to come to the meeting tomorrow.
I've had a long term interest in the V-CC and it was my enthusiam for old bikes that brought me back into club cycling. Now that my competitive career (such as it was ) seems to be on the wane, my old bike enthusiasm is coming back into focus.
I'm more interested in riding old machines, rather than collecting and restoring. My thread in the Rides and Races section 'The Century Competiton of 1911' (currently near the bottom of page 2.) may give you an idea of my approach to veteran cycling.
I hope to see you tomorrow night.