• #477
drink drink drink, more like.
3rd hangover in 3 days for me. I'm too old for this shit on Monday mornings.
• #478
i can't feel it :) yay
• #479
after all that dancing?
General grazing of arms and legs says I fell off somewhere. 8 bottles of Rose pretty much confirms it. Sunday was a good recovery day.
• #480
oh. :(
that is a lot of Rose.
• #481
There were four of us.
• #482
leo, if you need my old ricoh for spare parts, let me know..
• #483
Leo; Lolo and I delivered you to home in one piece, you were fine at least as far as your garage door. Just how much trouble can you get into in an underground car park? Ok, probably best not to answer that.
• #484
Carpark of win.
• #485
I was bit worried about you. Good to hear there were White knights to escort you home.
• #486
Oh, and how on earth did I mistake the table cloth at the Pear Tree for an Arab headscarf, that had been left by one of the posse? @T4, I will return it, promise.
Especially since I'd already gone about 5 mins earlier "ooh! Hold on, has someone left a scarf behind"...and then it was pointed out to me that it was in fact a table cloth.
• #487
I was bit worried about you. Good to hear there were Blue knights to escort you home.
Come on, it was a Norths escort after all.
• #488
Good to hear you got it back but gutted for you that you missed the rest of it. Or had Swains killed you and you needed an excuse? ;)
The D lock is mine and there isn't any rush for it so I can head to HH or any other forum thing you turn up to. Just let me know when/where suits you really.
Thanks the Lush!
And thanks to everyone who helped me check my pockets a thousand times, key's still not there....
• #489
You're very welcome. We couldn't have a bike potentially disappearing at our home ground. Besides which, it was a completely pointless addition to my non-existent kit for the day as I would never have used it.
• #490
On digging around in the bottom of my bag I've just found someone's spanner. Its got a 15ml socket at one end and a bottle opener at the other.
I can't remember who's it was but think you might have lent it to middleofnowhere (Matt?) when he was fixing his puncture, who then gave it to me to put in my bag.
Obviously we were both doing it wrong by having tools/bags, but let me know who you were and I'll get it back to you.
• #491
Especially since I'd already gone about 5 mins earlier "ooh! Hold on, has someone left a scarf behind"...and then it was pointed out to me that it was in fact a table cloth.
Poots, i feel better that I was not the only one who saw Lawrence of Arabia in the soft furnishings of West London's finest hostelry.
NSFW...... my pictures from the proceedings.
• #492
Good - I'm out of focus. No phots allowed until I shed another 10kg.
By another I mean first. -
• #493
No Kris - it's the surrounding world which is out of focus, not you.
• #494
Packing to come into work this morning I found that the bag I used on Saturday didn't actually have any tools in although I thought it did and is why I was carrying it.
Anyway, thanks to Murts and Jonny (oh and Corny - even tho he did nothing other than confuse me when I was reading the thread) for organising the day, but NOT to 'he who shall not be named' who directed us out of Wests the wrong way.
• #496
excellent stuff
• #497
Is it me, or is the link not working?
• #498
errm try now.
• #499
Good ones.
• #500
errm try now.
Top man Leo. There are some belters in there.
after all that dancing?