On digging around in the bottom of my bag I've just found someone's spanner. Its got a 15ml socket at one end and a bottle opener at the other.
I can't remember who's it was but think you might have lent it to middleofnowhere (Matt?) when he was fixing his puncture, who then gave it to me to put in my bag.
Obviously we were both doing it wrong by having tools/bags, but let me know who you were and I'll get it back to you.
On digging around in the bottom of my bag I've just found someone's spanner. Its got a 15ml socket at one end and a bottle opener at the other.
I can't remember who's it was but think you might have lent it to middleofnowhere (Matt?) when he was fixing his puncture, who then gave it to me to put in my bag.
Obviously we were both doing it wrong by having tools/bags, but let me know who you were and I'll get it back to you.