Can't believe I missed the beginning of the season after swearing to make an effort this year.
I have rocket and radishes in and halfway to being ready, waiting on spinach, mint, chives, coriander, basil, chicory,savoury and marjoram to germinate.
Tomorrow I'm throwing in some jerusalem artichokes and sweetcorn(if I can clear the shitheap that is my MIL's garden)
I'm really tempted this year to ship all my mushroom growing gear to my new place too as that is well worth the effort, in a geeky kind of way.
Whenever I've seen fartichokes grown they've always been contained in some way. Do you do that? I don't have a standalone bed or largeish container so any ideas how to stop them spreading? Can you just put a bin liner or similar around the area I'd like them to grow - kind of like a massive plant pot?
Whenever I've seen fartichokes grown they've always been contained in some way. Do you do that? I don't have a standalone bed or largeish container so any ideas how to stop them spreading? Can you just put a bin liner or similar around the area I'd like them to grow - kind of like a massive plant pot?