• ps: Hooks= 1st non-london Team

    Please don't take it as an insult that you weren't give a prize for this position. You played amazing polo and are world class polo players. I'm really surprised you didn't make the podium.

    My reasoning for not including the french teams in the non-london positions is that you are on a level with the best teams in the world and don't need the recognition that those who have been playing for less time deserve for their efforts.

    The idea of the tournament from the outset was to celebrate the newer and less experienced teams playing polo in the U.K. In the space of a year, the current Brighton players have gone from never playing before to finishing in the top 20 of a national event. I think that's worth celebrating!

    Cream deserved the prize they were given and played their socks off to get to 5th place. hopefully there will be a time soon when the top 3 positions of a tournament could go to any city in the country (or the continent) but for now, I think it's worth highglighting the effort involved in catching up.

