Had a run in with a Silver Vauxhall Vectra 321 DXC on the way home.
He burnt past me, scraping his car on the speed bumps in the rush past. Minute or two later, as he's slowed down for more speed bumps, I've overtaken him at decent speed - probably the wrong thing to do, and maybe better to have just let him speed up and slow down for the rest of the road whilst staying behind.
At this point, as I've got in front of him, he's kept his speed up and is laying on the horn right behind me (no way is he going to slow down for a mere cyclist), so I flicked the Vs (wrong thing to, do but you can't help it). Cue furious car pulling up next to me and a torrent of abuse, with my shouting "Fucking slow down then!" back in the window.
This advice taken, he angrily swerves left, hitting me and forcing me to fly around a corner into a smaller road - bloody lucky there wasn't a car there, or I'd have been in real trouble.
My temper really flares up and I fly down the road after the sod, camera in hand. Sadly, I was concentrating more on the photo of his number plate than his speed and didn't slow down enough at the mini roundabout he'd stopped at. So instead of steathily pulling up behind him and snapping a couple of photos, then bidding a hasty retreat, I skid into the rear of his car in comic fashion (not fast)
That makes Mr Vectra a real berserker and he pulls up around the corner with the offer of a fight & plenty of fruity language, whilst I snap another picture and holler "run into me will yer, you c..." across the road at him. Then I speed off whilst he's trying to find a parking space (considerate) before the punch up, as a fight would have only made things much worse. And besides, he looked bigger than me.
Kudos to the white van driver who pulled over, waved me in front of him and then drove behind me so that I could get out of there without further hassle.
I know that shouting back, swearing and all the other stuff is not the way to deal with these things, but in the moment it's difficult not to.
"Right over here, you little CUNT" speech bubble needed.
Had a run in with a Silver Vauxhall Vectra 321 DXC on the way home.
He burnt past me, scraping his car on the speed bumps in the rush past. Minute or two later, as he's slowed down for more speed bumps, I've overtaken him at decent speed - probably the wrong thing to do, and maybe better to have just let him speed up and slow down for the rest of the road whilst staying behind.
At this point, as I've got in front of him, he's kept his speed up and is laying on the horn right behind me (no way is he going to slow down for a mere cyclist), so I flicked the Vs (wrong thing to, do but you can't help it). Cue furious car pulling up next to me and a torrent of abuse, with my shouting "Fucking slow down then!" back in the window.
This advice taken, he angrily swerves left, hitting me and forcing me to fly around a corner into a smaller road - bloody lucky there wasn't a car there, or I'd have been in real trouble.
My temper really flares up and I fly down the road after the sod, camera in hand. Sadly, I was concentrating more on the photo of his number plate than his speed and didn't slow down enough at the mini roundabout he'd stopped at. So instead of steathily pulling up behind him and snapping a couple of photos, then bidding a hasty retreat, I skid into the rear of his car in comic fashion (not fast)
That makes Mr Vectra a real berserker and he pulls up around the corner with the offer of a fight & plenty of fruity language, whilst I snap another picture and holler "run into me will yer, you c..." across the road at him. Then I speed off whilst he's trying to find a parking space (considerate) before the punch up, as a fight would have only made things much worse. And besides, he looked bigger than me.
Kudos to the white van driver who pulled over, waved me in front of him and then drove behind me so that I could get out of there without further hassle.
I know that shouting back, swearing and all the other stuff is not the way to deal with these things, but in the moment it's difficult not to.
"Right over here, you little CUNT" speech bubble needed.
I'm making light now, but it bloody shook me up.