• I picked up a shiny new secondhand bike today and begin the customary disassemble and refit. It had been stored near the sea so i was giving the tubing an extra careful inspection when i spotted this in the roof of the bb shell...

    There is a crack clearly linking the top and down tube brazing vents (if my awful photographic skills havent made this clear). Now, my memory of metalwork suggests that the best way to stop a crack growing it to drill out either end, which has happened naturally in this case..

    The questions are:

    • has this developed during brazing? the previous owner had never ridden the frame for any significant distance and i'm finding it hard to create a scenario where the stresses of riding could cause the bb shell to split in that manner.

    • will this spread? the tubing is dedacciai EOM - thin as 853 but the bb shell famously has a supplemetary buttress to protect against torsion induced cracking.

    all sensible opinions and previous experience appreciated.
