Ok, have got some slightly rubbish photos off my phone. Still waiting to take some nice photos with a proper camera. If this won't sell I'll split the frame, initial prices are as follows:
I also have a pair of Mavic Ksyrium SL wheels (campag) for sale for £90. They have seen over 2000 miles of use, rims are fairly warn and the fron hub needs some new bearings. Get the bearings sorted however and theres definately some life left in them.
Ok, have got some slightly rubbish photos off my phone. Still waiting to take some nice photos with a proper camera. If this won't sell I'll split the frame, initial prices are as follows:
Frame + Forks + Headset £250
Rear Wheel £90
Front wheel £40
Regal Saddle £25
(probably keep cranks)
I also have a pair of Mavic Ksyrium SL wheels (campag) for sale for £90. They have seen over 2000 miles of use, rims are fairly warn and the fron hub needs some new bearings. Get the bearings sorted however and theres definately some life left in them.