• #202
Yeps, 2m left. Won't be at NE tonight be would be at Saturday's NE/SE session and will bring it there.
i might be late but would you happen to still have any of that pipe left?
• #203
Yuppers, have 1m to spare. Will bring along to Mitch on Sat?
• #204
Flip, if there's any spare on that 1m could you snag a bit for me too? Can collect it from you at Peckham on Tuesday night?
• #205
I do have a couple of offcuts, approximately 8-9cm that you can have for free if Flip decides he wants to keep all of the 1m :)
• #206
It's all yours Koijn, I actually found some roadworks today just near my school and they happily gave me a cut of pipe! if you are in clerkenwell area it's just on farringdon lane and they had plenty more. Thanks anyways though Coventry. What's at Mitch anyways.. am i still too noobish?
• #207
What's at Mitch anyways..?
• #208
Once you go black, you'll never go back ;)
• #210
Less than £1/head..
• #211
Anyone got some of this to spare?
• #212
I've got 1m which would cost ya 4 quid :)
• #213
I'll take it! PM coming your way
• #214
If you want to go halves I'd be up for 50cm/£2 :)
• #215
louis, i got 50cm, possibly nearer 30 you can have fo free
• #216
Awesome, 30 is more than enough. Especially for free! Don't suppose you'll be at souths tomorrow?
• #217
Unfortunately no. But hopefully at the weekend. I could give it to a south regular possibly?
• #218
How about west drinks on thursday?! :)
(please, I've not had an excuse to go for aaaagggeesss)If not I can come along at some point on the weekend...
• #219
I shall be going to wests. Post work though. Ohohohoh vb is bringing me a chianwhip tool, but usually bails early, Could you buy it for me and I'll pay you back when I get there and give you the pipe?
Plan stab?
• #220
I will be putting an order this week. So start a list :) 3m up for grabs! Can do 2 x 6m if there's enough interest.
- Benjamin x 3m
- Benjamin x 3m
• #221
- Benjamin x 3m
- Sandy x 1m
How much is it a meter? £5-6
- Benjamin x 3m
• #222
- Benjamin x 3m
- Sandy x 1m
- Ed x 1m
- Benjamin x 3m
• #223
- Benjamin x 3m
- Sandy x 1m
- Ed x 1m
- Josh x 1m
- Benjamin x 3m
• #224
I've got some spare if anyone wants it for a couple of quid....
• #225
- Benjamin x 3m
- Sandy x 1m
- Ed x 1m
- Josh x 1m
That's 1 6m length
- Benjamin x 3m
Yeps, 2m left. Won't be at NE tonight be would be at Saturday's NE/SE session and will bring it there.