I'm looking for something around 24 inch centre to top. No rust/large scratches basically. Preferably 531. For a project I've been wanting to start for ages. I want to build a nice bike that's near enough a perfect fit for me.
I'm riding an old 24 inch raleigh beater around in the meantime. It is a perfect fit for me but the dropouts are rubbish for what I have in mind, and the frame is made of 18-23 controlled carbon gaspipe.
What have you got to offer? Please also state top tube length.
I'm looking for something around 24 inch centre to top. No rust/large scratches basically. Preferably 531. For a project I've been wanting to start for ages. I want to build a nice bike that's near enough a perfect fit for me.
I'm riding an old 24 inch raleigh beater around in the meantime. It is a perfect fit for me but the dropouts are rubbish for what I have in mind, and the frame is made of 18-23 controlled carbon gaspipe.
What have you got to offer? Please also state top tube length.