Nice route, but hilly - I didn't realise quite how hilly the cut across was - 15% climbs and so on. The gradient bit above lies! London Bridge - Brighton Beach was 70 miles on my 'pooter.
I also got us lost a few times, which helped...
I did 20 something pretty much flat out miles on Friday, 40 miles on Saturday and that yesterday. I think that's me done for the weekend, except possibly a slow pootle into town later on gears :)
I took your Triple Crown route Oliver, but cut across from Hawkins Pond to Devil's Dyke via this route kindly drawn up by spybot.
Nice route, but hilly - I didn't realise quite how hilly the cut across was - 15% climbs and so on. The gradient bit above lies! London Bridge - Brighton Beach was 70 miles on my 'pooter.
I also got us lost a few times, which helped...
I did 20 something pretty much flat out miles on Friday, 40 miles on Saturday and that yesterday. I think that's me done for the weekend, except possibly a slow pootle into town later on gears :)