AV is probably the weakest of all proportional representation voting systems, but it's still a vast improvement on the first past the post system we have now, where the two main parties take it in turns to get approx 40% of the votes cast, but at least 60% of the seats in the House of Commons. That's not democracy.
AV's not perfect by any means but FPP is only good for the big two parties, and haven't they had enough goes at fucking up the country? Why not try something else? Even if it doesn't work it'll be easier then to change it again. Resisting electoral reform smacks of desperate clinging to power.
AV's not perfect by any means but FPP is only good for the big two parties, and haven't they had enough goes at fucking up the country? Why not try something else? Even if it doesn't work it'll be easier then to change it again. Resisting electoral reform smacks of desperate clinging to power.