I'm normally the most mellow of road-users in terms of not getting wound up... but last week I was on a bit of 2-way cycle path in Bloomsbury/Holborn, where there was a mesh fencing round some roadworks right next to it, a cyclist coming the other way who was doing the cycling equivalent of sitting on the tube with your knees far apart, ie. he was taking up one-and-a-half cyclists width, sort of flailing his legs slightly, so I wait on the near side of the roadworks to allow him to pass through first. Instead of a nod, thanks, or plain ignoring me (any of these would have been fine), as he emerges he swerves towards me in a deliberate attempt to startle me off my bike - how hilarious that would have been! Cue complete rage RAGE face. For at least 5 minutes. Before I banished him from my thoughts. Wanker.
I'm normally the most mellow of road-users in terms of not getting wound up... but last week I was on a bit of 2-way cycle path in Bloomsbury/Holborn, where there was a mesh fencing round some roadworks right next to it, a cyclist coming the other way who was doing the cycling equivalent of sitting on the tube with your knees far apart, ie. he was taking up one-and-a-half cyclists width, sort of flailing his legs slightly, so I wait on the near side of the roadworks to allow him to pass through first. Instead of a nod, thanks, or plain ignoring me (any of these would have been fine), as he emerges he swerves towards me in a deliberate attempt to startle me off my bike - how hilarious that would have been! Cue complete rage RAGE face. For at least 5 minutes. Before I banished him from my thoughts. Wanker.