Interesting seeding, from which the following can be deduced ....
Everyone (still) agrees with the Top 5, although less people agreed on the top 2 positions - meaning that Andy was (probably) only 2 voters away from the top spot.
For the middle runners, Matt has rocketted, Lucas and I are actually getting worse (dropped down the most positions), Sarah stays the same in most rankings despite not playing for ages and Rob and Si remain in the same ranked space as they did last time round by most people.
Jess, dont be sad as at least 3 people voted you off the bottom space (or maybe one person voted you 2nd overall ... and every else said bottom :) )
Interesting that less 'points' were awarded than last time - assuming everyone voted - despite their being more 'points' available by virtue of more voters.
And finally, if you were to take Neil out of the equation for a moment, it seems like there is 1 person (maybe 2 at most) who has voted in such a way to completely re-jig spaces 6 and onwards. my take on the seeding. A pint awaits for the judges if this proves to be aloadofbollix
Interesting seeding, from which the following can be deduced ....
Everyone (still) agrees with the Top 5, although less people agreed on the top 2 positions - meaning that Andy was (probably) only 2 voters away from the top spot.
For the middle runners, Matt has rocketted, Lucas and I are actually getting worse (dropped down the most positions), Sarah stays the same in most rankings despite not playing for ages and Rob and Si remain in the same ranked space as they did last time round by most people.
Jess, dont be sad as at least 3 people voted you off the bottom space (or maybe one person voted you 2nd overall ... and every else said bottom :) )
Interesting that less 'points' were awarded than last time - assuming everyone voted - despite their being more 'points' available by virtue of more voters.
And finally, if you were to take Neil out of the equation for a moment, it seems like there is 1 person (maybe 2 at most) who has voted in such a way to completely re-jig spaces 6 and onwards. my take on the seeding. A pint awaits for the judges if this proves to be aloadofbollix