hahaahah VOGUE and csomopolitan do not count as book bwoy!!!! try something diferent like, "DUMMYES GUIDE TO GROW A PERSONALITY" or something like that... you know...but because cos maybe,Tolstoj or Fyodor dostoyevsky are to intelectual for you i recon you could stick with
PEPPA PIG colouring books, you also might get some wardrove tips! ROGER THAT?
I'm not sure about you, but I actually did read Dostoyevsky. I also did four years courses of History and Theory of Drama, so read much more. Always worked with chicks back in the day - especially Ibsen and Bruno Schulz (obscure). Not all hipster girls are daft - there's no need to be patronising.
I'm not sure about you, but I actually did read Dostoyevsky. I also did four years courses of History and Theory of Drama, so read much more. Always worked with chicks back in the day - especially Ibsen and Bruno Schulz (obscure). Not all hipster girls are daft - there's no need to be patronising.