We've got a mutherficking pond! I'm counting the days before BRM falls into it. Currently only irises and wild strawberries in it, so he can't damage much.
Dug the beds again last night. Waiting on deliveries of plants for tomorrow's planting out. Getting some more veg plants off a friends allotment on Sunday. Have signed up to be a Master Gardener mentee; no idea what that means but she's a MOF and we were all in the pub feeling rosy on Sunday, so I said yes.
Sunflowers, chillis, peppers, toms, sweetpeas are all germinating and my makeshift greenhouse is coming back to life.
Compost bin hopefully next week, and then the slow process of trying to work out who owns the long thin strip of land behind our house. there's 10 square metres of extra growing space that's currently a fox cub playground with some added bind weed.
We've got a mutherficking pond! I'm counting the days before BRM falls into it. Currently only irises and wild strawberries in it, so he can't damage much.
Dug the beds again last night. Waiting on deliveries of plants for tomorrow's planting out. Getting some more veg plants off a friends allotment on Sunday. Have signed up to be a Master Gardener mentee; no idea what that means but she's a MOF and we were all in the pub feeling rosy on Sunday, so I said yes.
Sunflowers, chillis, peppers, toms, sweetpeas are all germinating and my makeshift greenhouse is coming back to life.
Compost bin hopefully next week, and then the slow process of trying to work out who owns the long thin strip of land behind our house. there's 10 square metres of extra growing space that's currently a fox cub playground with some added bind weed.