• the same can be said for any proposed legislation to make cyclists more accountable. i.e. registration, insurance etc

    they'll make no difference because if someone is jumping a red and there's no police to enforce it there and then what does having a number plate on the bike do to change things? very little because if the police are there to see it in the first place they would already have words with the cyclist.

    even if some disgruntled cabbie/ped were to report the cyclist for an infringement it's their word against the others and any claim could easily be dismissed by the other party unless there was video/photographic proof or valid witnesses. even then the hassle of chasing prosecution will mean it has as few major outcomes as it does when cyclists report cabs/lorries.


    basically legislation is only there for when someone needs to be punished when caught in the act, unless people agree to share the roads and behave like rational, unselfish arseholes very little will change regardless of what laws are laid down.


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