• I row out of here and a lot of the problem has been with idiots on crap bikes zooming along as the (very long and very expensive) boats are walked out of the boat houses on to the pontoon. There have been some collisions, and usually the boats come off worse. The local dog walkers have been grumbling too, though from a rower's POV the dogs are just as much a pain.

    When it's super sunny in the afternoon it's too busy to ride here anyway and considerate cyclists would get off and walk. The rest of the time there's no reason why people can't ride as long as it is done slowly and considerately. This is a really popular stretch for families with kids to ride their bikes so it's a real shame that a few are spoiling it for the many.

    Maybe the local cycling group can use the Southbank 'considerate cycling welcome here' or whatever wording it was as an example as a complete ban seems somewhat draconian.

    The parks fuzz have been down there nearly every weekend since beginning of March trying to enforce this.
