I thought Westies might like to know that apparently cycling has been banned on part of the Hammersmith Riverside--the Lower Mall, by the pubs near Hammersmith Bridge. I thought I'd post this as it affects people wanting to ride to the Old Grey Crabpearhoundtree.
Here's a map produced by the Council showing the 'no cycling' area.
An operation by the Parks Constabulary and Safer Neighbourhood Team started on Wednesday 23 March along the riverside. Prior to this there was a warning notice stating:
Due to a large number of complaints received about speeding cyclists, a more robust approach will shortly be taken to enforce the legislation. This could result in Fixed Penalty Notices being issued for those who continually ignore signs and directions.
Safer Neighbourhoods logo
H&F logo
Metropolitan Police logo
H&F Cyclists have suggested the following to the Council:
There are several problems here
1] Many people complain about cars speeding along Brook Green which is in a 20mph Home Zone. Nothing is done about that at all. What the Council has very definitely NOT done is close Brook Green to all motor traffic. We have urged the police to take action on Brook Green against speeding vehicles.
So with the Lower Mall we would encourage action against speeding cyclists, or those who cycle inconsiderately and do not give pedestrian priority. Many parents with young children cycle along the Lower Mall, especially at weekends, and they should neither be penalised nor discouraged from using it.
People are justified in complaining about speeding cyclists, and the relevant authorities should deal with speeding and inconsiderate cyclists.
2] The legislation governing cycling on the Lower Mall is quite complex, and the part by the pubs is neither Parks Constabulary territory, nor is it a “footpath adjacent to a highway” for which “cycling on the pavement” legislation applies. I believe section from the end of Queen Caroline street to Digby Mansions is similar, and would be governed by the Upper Mall Act of 1953.
3] The designated cycle route suggested as an alternative does not comply with the London Cycling Design Standards as there is the connection between Worlidge road and Hammersmith Bridge Road. This has been removed as it was being used by motor cyclists as a short cut. [In fact this area has many problems for cyclists since it has been redesigned, and I hope the problems will be rectified very soon]. Travelling in each direction along this designated route there is a right turn across the fast moving traffic on the carriageway of Hammersmith Bridge road. The designated route is completely unsuitable for young children. I hope that there will be no casualties on this dangerous part of road as a result of these directions.
A safer route avoiding the congested area by the pubs would allow cyclists coming from Crisp road to turn left towards the river on Queen Caroline Street, cycle a short distance on the Lower Mall, go under Hammersmith Bridge and turn up the Hammersmith Bridge road slope by Digby Mansions. They can then turn left onto Rutland Grove.
4] At the meeting of hfcyclists on 5 April 2011 we considered that the present position taken by the Council is unfair to considerate cyclists and that the directions given for an alternative route are very dangerous. We agreed that I as Chair should write to the Council.
I am respectfully suggesting
a] That the signage on Lower Mall should not say “NO CYCLING” but “PEDESTRIAN PRIORITY – INCONSIDERATE CYCLISTS PENALISED”
b] The map should ADVISE cyclists to AVOID the congested area by the pubs. The alternative route given should be under Hammersmith Bridge and up to Rutland Grove.
5] I hope that this situation can be resolved as soon as possible. The action by the Council was taken without any consultation. I suggest that the changes I have suggested take effect immediately, and not be delayed by any sense of need for consultation. Any consultation, if required, can take place with these safe directions in place and with the sensitive policing of unruly cyclists.
If people want to help H&F Cyclists with this, e.g. by writing to the Council, get in touch with them via their web-site or go to a meeting of the group.
I thought Westies might like to know that apparently cycling has been banned on part of the Hammersmith Riverside--the Lower Mall, by the pubs near Hammersmith Bridge. I thought I'd post this as it affects people wanting to ride to the Old Grey Crabpearhoundtree.
Here's a map produced by the Council showing the 'no cycling' area.
Here's a different map produced by Hammersmith & Fulham Cyclists:
An operation by the Parks Constabulary and Safer Neighbourhood Team started on Wednesday 23 March along the riverside. Prior to this there was a warning notice stating:
H&F Cyclists have suggested the following to the Council:
If people want to help H&F Cyclists with this, e.g. by writing to the Council, get in touch with them via their web-site or go to a meeting of the group.