So the weather has turned nice, the git. My whole outfit was sourced and prepared when it was much cooler. Now I've ended up rushing round desperate to find something that isn't going to cook me alive. Out goes the Harris Tweed and in comes some crap from a charity shop, some of it womens. None of it really tweed, or matching.
Ball sack.
I know these are not the words of a gentleman. So maybe I don't deserve to wear the tweed!
So the weather has turned nice, the git. My whole outfit was sourced and prepared when it was much cooler. Now I've ended up rushing round desperate to find something that isn't going to cook me alive. Out goes the Harris Tweed and in comes some crap from a charity shop, some of it womens. None of it really tweed, or matching.
Ball sack.
I know these are not the words of a gentleman. So maybe I don't deserve to wear the tweed!