1. Spring Break, London
    2. Dead Rappers, London
    3. Nice Touch, London
    4. TNT, London
    5. Comics, London
    6. Degeneration, London
    7. La Schmoove, London
    8. Cosmic, London
    9. Polo Erectus, Manchester
    10. Netto Superstars, Manchester
    11. Electric Cream, Cambridge
    12. Asbo Polo, Manchester
    13. Fenboythree, Cambridge

    Would any Londoners like to help with activities to make the day run smoothly?

    Scheduling: Mark (cool with you Mark?)
    Transportation of everything to the courts (including goals): Gabes and Jon
    Court sweeping early: ?
    Food for the day (could be a fundraiser thing): ?
    Stopwatches/whistles: ?
    Courtside goal counters/tally: ?

    Rules we will be using are here (Euro's rules):

    Ref's for the day (we need non-London refs too please):

    1. Bill
    2. Gabes
    3. Jono