I'm getting all the bits together to build my first fixie and want to fit side pull brakes to it but i'm unsure what would be best. I have a pair of weinmann 500's that need a good service and clean up but have also seen a new pair of Saccon Altex with levers on ebay that look quite cool! I've googled both types of brakes and they seem to both be entry level models and there is more info on the Weinmanns. So are Saccon's any good? or should I just stick with a known name?
I'm getting all the bits together to build my first fixie and want to fit side pull brakes to it but i'm unsure what would be best. I have a pair of weinmann 500's that need a good service and clean up but have also seen a new pair of Saccon Altex with levers on ebay that look quite cool! I've googled both types of brakes and they seem to both be entry level models and there is more info on the Weinmanns. So are Saccon's any good? or should I just stick with a known name?