I'm not giving a clue: if you don't know this one already, you need to get yourself an education[1]. Besides, it's a balmy 13 degrees[2] outside, perfect weather for cycling around and exploring. All the cycling pros will be out, Mark[3] my words.
And yeah, it's outside and publicly accessible. IROde[4] there myself.
[1] it's an educational establishment
[2] degrees. so it's a university not a school
[3] Pro cyclist & Mark = Mark Cavendish = New Cavendish Road
[4] IRO - only(?) place to get an IRO frame in London is Cavendish Cycles. (Is it called that anymore?)
Nice one Scoot.
[1] it's an educational establishment
[2] degrees. so it's a university not a school
[3] Pro cyclist & Mark = Mark Cavendish = New Cavendish Road
[4] IRO - only(?) place to get an IRO frame in London is Cavendish Cycles. (Is it called that anymore?)
Was it too obscure?