I had one for a short while and riding it on the roads was a nightmare. cracks in the floor sent me over the bars daily. Not the best thing for a first fixed gear. And if the 'why' was at the 'Im assuming its your first fixed gear' comment it was because of 'Just for road use at the moment as I'm only 17 but I'm hoping to try out some track in time. ' It wasnt a negative comment.
I had one for a short while and riding it on the roads was a nightmare. cracks in the floor sent me over the bars daily. Not the best thing for a first fixed gear. And if the 'why' was at the 'Im assuming its your first fixed gear' comment it was because of 'Just for road use at the moment as I'm only 17 but I'm hoping to try out some track in time. ' It wasnt a negative comment.