weils disease is very serious. it can cause death. something definately to look out for. the only good thing is its not very easy to catch. working at a kayaking club which has been running for almost 30 years, in the whole time we have had two cases of it, both being instructors who worked at other sites around london, and we have the kids jumping, and rolling kayaks all summer long.
but it is worth getting checked if flu-ey symptoms begin.
weils disease is very serious. it can cause death. something definately to look out for. the only good thing is its not very easy to catch. working at a kayaking club which has been running for almost 30 years, in the whole time we have had two cases of it, both being instructors who worked at other sites around london, and we have the kids jumping, and rolling kayaks all summer long.
but it is worth getting checked if flu-ey symptoms begin.