Yep french style randonneur events, handbuilt steel and 650b have all seen a major resurgence in the US in the last decade. That's how I got into them. But I never got to ride 650b/hetres myself... and it doesnt look like kicking off here in Ireland anytime soon! Favourite recent US randonneur bikes:
Awesome Nobilette "Demountable" [kinda like an integrated S&S coupler system]
Kogswell [chrome pista style] P/R
And... obvious and way overpriced tho it is... the Riv Homer Hilsen [700c]:
Yep french style randonneur events, handbuilt steel and 650b have all seen a major resurgence in the US in the last decade. That's how I got into them. But I never got to ride 650b/hetres myself... and it doesnt look like kicking off here in Ireland anytime soon! Favourite recent US randonneur bikes:
Awesome Nobilette "Demountable" [kinda like an integrated S&S coupler system]
Kogswell [chrome pista style] P/R
And... obvious and way overpriced tho it is... the Riv Homer Hilsen [700c]: