• Believe it or not, but your body is capable of absorbing some tough impacts, in general. However your head; is a bit more important than say.. your limbs, I am sure you can survive and live a long life with say a broken limb, or worst case scenario a missing limb.. But you cant do the same without your head/brain. Unless you like spending your time in a hospital bed on life support, like a lot of other cyclists who thought the same way.

    Perhaps it might be the fact that you like the idea of losing half your skin over the tarmac, or maybe you are so ugly that it will only make things better. Either case, I am not here to judge, but I mean why not?

    9/11 just over 3000 people died in the attacks... The year following the incident, air travel was seen as dangerous, horrific etc all because of a single attack. People taking to the roads instead of flying soared. An evaluation was done to see exactly how many accidents occurred DUE to this incident. It was estimated that over 1.5k people died because they chose to drive instead of flying. Thats HALF of the initial list of casualties of the attack.

    People dont realize this, but roads are one of the most dangerous places to be in. They didnt realize that even with the attacks, chances of a fatality of flying is approximately 100x less likely than if you were driving. As a cyclist, you are a vulnerable motorist, you don't have the security of a crumple zone or a cage, you are on your own.
