1 - Teams will consist of three players.
2 - Any type of Bicycle is allowed.
2.1 - Must have at least one mechanism for stopping. (ie: handbrake, fixed wheel)
2.2 - Handlebars MUST be plugged.
2.3 - No exposed chainrings, pegs, or other protrusions.
2.4 - Helmets are mandatory.
3 - Mallets must resemble a croquet mallet with a wide side & round end. (Modified ski poles, and plastic pipe are the most common materials.)
3.1 - The head of the mallet will be a maximum of 18 cm (7 inches) in length and 2.5 inches in Diameter (outside diameter) .
3.2 - The Head of the mallet should not have any sharp edges.
3.3 - The handle end of the mallet MUST be plugged.
4 - The ball will be a street hockey ball.
4.1 - The ball will not be a liquid filled ball
5 - The Goals will be nets.
5.1 - The opening of the net will be 180 cm (72") and the height will be 80 cm (32 inches) (measured between the inside edges of the posts.)
6 - Courts will be of a hard surface. (usually concrete or pavement)
6.1 - Boards of at least 40 cm (16 inches) in height should surround the court to keep the ball in play.
6.2 - The minimum court size will be 30.5m X 15.25m (100' X 50') (Tennis court or basketball court) and maximum size will be 60m X 26m (200' X 85') (NHL rink)
General Rules of Play
7 - Start of a game:
7.1 - Each team will begin behind his/her own goal line.
7.2 - The ball will be positioned at center court.
7.3 - Play will begin with a "3 - 2 - 1 - Go" from the sideline.
7.4 - left hand vs right hand jousts are not allowed.
8 - Scoring a goal must be made with what started as a "shot"
8.1 - a "shot" is defined as a ball that is struck with the end of the players mallet. wrist shots, or scoop shots are not considered a "shot"
8.2 - "Ball dragging" is allowed, however the ball must be passed before a goal can be scored.
8.2 - a "shuffle" is defined as a ball that is striked with the side of the mallet.
8.3 - a ball that is "shuffled" into the goal does not count as a goal.
8.4 - if a ball is "shuffled" into the goal the defending team will get possession of the ball.
8.5 - if a player scores on his own goal in any fashion (shot or shuffle) it will count as a goal for the opposition.
9 - After a goal is scored:
9.1 - The team that scored returns to their half of the court.
9.2 - The team that was scored upon gets possession of the ball.
9.3 - Play will not resume until both teams have returned to their half of court.
9.4 - The defending team may not attack until the ball or an offensive player has crossed half court.
10 - Players must not touch the ground, or "Dab"
10.1 - A "dab" is if the player puts his foot on any horizontal surface. (the ground, his mallethead, a bike, another player.)
10.2 - Each time a player "dabs" That player is out of play, and may not interfere with the ball or other players until they "tap in"
10.3 - If a dabbed player stops a shot from going into the net at the ref's discretion it may be ruled a goal.
10.4 - The "Tap in" area will be at center along either side of the court.
11 - Games are played to five points
11.1 - If there are time constraints games may be timed. In this case the game will stop at a set time, of five points whichever comes first.
Contact Rules
12 - Body contact is allowed.
12.1 - holding (with hands, elbows, or mallets) is not allowed
12.2 - Pushing with the hands is not allowed.
12.3 - Mallet to mallet contact is allowed. (however it is poor etiquite to hit another players mallet if he is not playing the ball or in front of the goal.)
12.4 - Mallet to body contact is not allowed.
12.5 - Mallet to bike contact is not allowed.
12.6 - Body to bike contact is not allowed.
12.7 - Bike to bike contact is not allowed. (incidental contact/blocking is fine. deliberate hitting or T-boning is not)
12.8 - Intent to injure another player is not allowed.
13 - Throwing of mallets is not allowed at any time, in any situation.
13.1 - If a thrown mallet stops a ball from going through the goal the referee may use his discretion to call the play a goal.
14 - Kicking is not allowed.
15 - Trash talking is allowed. Trash on the courts is not allowed.
16 - There will be a goal judge at each end of the court to rule on goals.
17 - A referee will enforce the rules.
17.1 - If a player does not "tap in" or violates a contact rule the referee will issue the offending player a "yellow card"
17.2 - issuing a "yellow card" or warning will not stop the play of the game.
17.2 - a player may receive two "yellow cards" after that the player will recieve a "red card"
17.3 - a referee may use his discretion to give a player a "red card" at any time.
17.4 - if a player receives a "red card" play will be stopped. The offending player will be ejected from the remainder of the game, and the non-offending team will get possession of the ball.
Time Outs.
18 - There are no timeouts until a goal is scored.
18.1 - After a goal is scored a short time out can be called for a mechanical, or water, etc.
18.2 - If the ball goes out of play, the game will be paused until the ball can be retrieved. The defending team will then get possession of the ball, and play will be resumed.
18.3 - a timeout will automatically be called by the referee in the event of a serious injury.
1 - Teams will consist of three players.
2 - Any type of Bicycle is allowed.
3 - Mallets must resemble a croquet mallet with a wide side & round end. (Modified ski poles, and plastic pipe are the most common materials.)
4 - The ball will be a street hockey ball.
5 - The Goals will be nets.
6 - Courts will be of a hard surface. (usually concrete or pavement)
General Rules of Play
7 - Start of a game:
8 - Scoring a goal must be made with what started as a "shot"
9 - After a goal is scored:
10 - Players must not touch the ground, or "Dab"
11 - Games are played to five points
Contact Rules
12 - Body contact is allowed.
13 - Throwing of mallets is not allowed at any time, in any situation.
14 - Kicking is not allowed.
15 - Trash talking is allowed. Trash on the courts is not allowed.
16 - There will be a goal judge at each end of the court to rule on goals.
17 - A referee will enforce the rules.
Time Outs.
18 - There are no timeouts until a goal is scored.