Black Cab SN03 SUX, some advice:
Don't scream "If you've got no fucking brakes you deserve to get fucking knocked off" at cyclists if you don't like being called a cunt in return.
Learn to recognise what a brake looks like on a bike. I have one.
Don't drive like an utter cock, accelerating as hard as you can and moving right out across the centre-line in the road because a bike has overtaken you.
Don't pay a couple of hundred quid for an easily memorable numberplate if you're going be an agressive wanker on the road. You're being reported.
A bit of a result from the Police on this one, I received an email this morning from the PCO Team - Cab enforcement unit:
*You recently made a complaint about a Hackney carriage index SN03 SUX following an incident on 14/03/11 at Cambridge Circus turning onto Shaftesbury Avenue (Westbound).
This complaint was forwarded to me by the traffic department that administers the site concerned as it involves a cab. I work alongside the taxi licensing authority, the London Taxi Private Hire Directorate - LTPHD (previously known as the Public Carriage Office - PCO).
I intend to deal with this matter by making the LTPHD aware of the incident via my Inspector. I will request they mark the driver file with a record of the incident. My hope is that if the driver concerned is in the habit of behaving in the way you allege, a complaints history will build up & the driver can be interviewed by the licensing authority directly, with a view to suspending his hackney carriage license.
If dealing with the matter in the way isn’t the result you had hoped for, please feel free to contact me (e mail please - I am never at a desk!) sending me some good contact phone numbers. I will call you back as soon as possible.
So it seems they're treating these incidents more seriously. In reality I couldn't have asked for a better result really, if this guy carries on his behaviour there's a good chance he'll lose his job.
A bit of a result from the Police on this one, I received an email this morning from the PCO Team - Cab enforcement unit:
*You recently made a complaint about a Hackney carriage index SN03 SUX following an incident on 14/03/11 at Cambridge Circus turning onto Shaftesbury Avenue (Westbound).
This complaint was forwarded to me by the traffic department that administers the site concerned as it involves a cab. I work alongside the taxi licensing authority, the London Taxi Private Hire Directorate - LTPHD (previously known as the Public Carriage Office - PCO).
I intend to deal with this matter by making the LTPHD aware of the incident via my Inspector. I will request they mark the driver file with a record of the incident. My hope is that if the driver concerned is in the habit of behaving in the way you allege, a complaints history will build up & the driver can be interviewed by the licensing authority directly, with a view to suspending his hackney carriage license.
If dealing with the matter in the way isn’t the result you had hoped for, please feel free to contact me (e mail please - I am never at a desk!) sending me some good contact phone numbers. I will call you back as soon as possible.
So it seems they're treating these incidents more seriously. In reality I couldn't have asked for a better result really, if this guy carries on his behaviour there's a good chance he'll lose his job.