Why don't you fuck off then you chopsy cunt if you think we're all wankers?
Why would you wanna come on a forum and bark at it's members? Doesn't make sense
I suspect the prick has had the shit kicked out of him on a fairly regular basis for the entirety of his pathetic cunty little existance judged by the rage and bile he spews forth all over this forum(and how many others? I can imagine him giving people shit on a knitting forum at the same time as posting on here)
Fuck off Nyquil, you will not be missed. Enjoy Atlantis.
I suspect the prick has had the shit kicked out of him on a fairly regular basis for the entirety of his pathetic cunty little existance judged by the rage and bile he spews forth all over this forum(and how many others? I can imagine him giving people shit on a knitting forum at the same time as posting on here)
Fuck off Nyquil, you will not be missed. Enjoy Atlantis.
ps I fucked your girlfriend.