mate? what the fuck are you getting involved for? go fuck yourself. once again another prick who wants to twist my words by saying i think every user in this thread is a wanker, i only think dj, and eddscobollox and any other twat who starts trying to justify their pathetic excuses for being pricks to everyrone who posts a shit bike in this thread. fuck off
I do not want to come on to this thread to read this shit. I do not care about whatever problem you have with Ed and James, if you have a problem sort it with PM's (or even better turn off the computer and go out on a ride, if it is raining get on the turbo or rollers).
YouTube - Forgotten Mortal Kombat Fatality
I do not want to come on to this thread to read this shit. I do not care about whatever problem you have with Ed and James, if you have a problem sort it with PM's (or even better turn off the computer and go out on a ride, if it is raining get on the turbo or rollers).
It's all going to be ok.