• #77
Can i suggest another meeting so we can review progress on this? I know Tim and others have taken on a lot so it will be good to see where I can help or if there are other areas that need attention.
Shall we say Thursday 8pm at Fiddlers just to get the ball rolling?
• #78
Great idea.
• #79
jesus christ i just realised my dissertation is due in the day before the tournament. Win or lose I will be one happy polo player
• #80
I think me Blaise and Sean are going to go for "Bi-Polo" as our team name.
A re up meeting is a good idea, could we not just discuss at polo though? -
• #81
I can ask my housemate about logo/poster if you like, he's done them for nights/other events.
• #82
Wedenedsay+polo=meeting? Thursday not so good for me. Already have clearance for Wednesday.
• #83
I've update the google docs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VMuwA3CcGmQm2mWmRu9-ojtzOhEa2VuE_2iI5nAzxDo/edit?hl=en_GB&authkey=CNPv7psN
Feel free to make additions and ammendments.
there' a bike train meeting at 6.30 which I said I'd attend. could we do it before/after?
• #84
I can be @ polo for 5ish, so shall we say before? Also, nice one for all your endeavours so far Tim. You've been busy. One item of business I'd like to discuss at the meeting would be the registration fee. How much do others charge? What do they lay on that we're not? 32x£5 isn't a lot of money. Will it cover all our expenses?
• #85
Yep, that's up for discussion, Dice suggested £15 but I reckon that's too steep.
• #86
Here is a document with teams who need beds. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bLgdyJv6IoXjkNxmTuqaXYkS9cV7v1fIU9B9DL9eAD8/edit?hl=en_GB&authkey=CKe_ge8C&pli=1
Can you please confirm the teams you have been tentatively assigned and change the status of any more teams you can possibly take.
• #87
Spring Break don't need beds anymore, I think we're traveling back in the eve (for some reason I thought this was a 2-day venture, oops).
• #88
- Spring Break - London (0 beds)
- Degeneration - London (3 beautiful ladies) - lower priority
- UoB polo - Brighton (0 beds)
- La Schmoove - London (0 beds)
- The Joker, The Ace, and The King - London (0 beds)
- Netto - Manchester (staying @ woodys) beds confirmed
- Dogma or Pie
- Asbo Polo - Manchester (Staying at mine) beds confirmed
- Southampton1
- Southampton2
- Nice Touch (0 beds)
- Multiple Scorgasm
- Team Warin+1 - Bristol 3 beds (Staying at Tim's) beds confirmed
- Thor – CBG
- Black Stabbath - birmz (0 beds)
- Polo Erectus - Manchetser (hoping woody has a big house) beds confirmed?
- COSMIC EVANS-HARDING (3 beds unconfirmed) - Paul?
- Hooks -Rouen (3 beds) priority for beds - Tenderloin?
- Broken Legs - Rouen (3 beds) priority for beds - Tenderloin?
- Electric Cream - CBG (3 spaces on a floor would be ace) - Tenderloin?
- Rusty Rims (0 beds)
- Big Bush Bears - London (0 Beds)
- L'Quiche (0 Beds)
- Brighton A (name to TBC)
- Dynamite
- don'tpasscunts (i.e brighton B) 0 beds
- fenboythree - Cambridge (3 beds tbc) - Danny?
- Pomketamine - Bristol (3 beds) - Joshiboy?
- Jumblies - Bristol (bed reqs tbc)
- Playmopolo - LDN [0 beds]
- Daft Punks - Brighton [C] see Chris - need 2 more??)
- Spring Break - London (0 beds)
• #89
Heys guys, we're on the way to having some prizes! I spoke to the lovely people at Urban Hunter (based in Hove) and they said they would donate some goodies.
good aye
• #90
I've sourced balls for £2.50 a pop, how many will we need?
I've provisionally asked for 10.
• #91
Can we meet after polo tonight? Maybe for a burrito too????
• #92
I've sourced balls for £2.50 a pop, how many will we need?
I've provisionally asked for 10.
That should be enough I reckon. Could round it to 15 to be on the safe side?
• #93
Awesome Josh! Didn't realise they were based in Hove/Brighton!
• #94
Meeting after polo is on, burrito is on.
I can sack off bike train or go later.
• #95
Meeting after polo is on, burrito is on.
I can sack off bike train or go later.
• #96
probably won't be able to hang around for too long afterwards - collecting The Wife from station. That's assuming we're going to get a game or two in - nice weather!? Frame sized box just arrived...I'm going in...
Balls: Good price. How are we paying for all this stuff up front? Are all those of us that can afford to chipping in...or what? 15 over 2 courts should be plenty...shouldn't it?
• #97
i might be able to sort food, etc. booze?
i also need a team..and to start practicing harder.. -
• #98
Well, it's raining so NO POLO is the consensus methinks.
As for the meeting, various times are suggested. It's like herding cats getting us all together. Tim would like to meet at 5. Danny, Chris and I all consent to this time too. What's the rest of you's flava?
• #99
5 today? If so fine by me. where?
• #100
Paul, I am getting my head checked at the doctors so could potentially do 5. I will be away from 'puter so could you text me places please? I will swing by when/wherever
and other questions: Are we getting in a load of balls? And has a logo/poster been sorted yet?